Whilst known for their name, cherry pickers do so much more. They are the perfect tool for reaching up high or out across space. They are versatile and work across practically every industry. They can be used indoors and outdoors, providing a safe and mobile access solution.Â
Auslift supplies both an articulated knuckle boom lift and a straight boom lift.
Articulated knuckle boom lifts are fantastic for their extra handy bend. Our range of access equipment also includes 4WD diesel models, which work on any terrain and electric units used for indoor for more confined spaces.
Alternatively, the telescopic boom provides maximum horizontal and vertical reach. These are fantastic for creating a stable position and getting as much reach as possible. Industries that mainly benefit from this type of cherry picker are construction and maintenance.
With the overwhelming amount of uses for a cherry picker, we’ve outlined the top 10.
1. Harvesting fruit
Harvesting fruit is the original purpose of a cherry picker. It’s a step up from using a ladder, and the large platform allows the user can stand on it for extended movement. Using a cherry picker in replacement of a ladder massively increases the level of safety and efficiency. Some fruits harvested with a cherry picker are avocados, apples and mangoes.
2. High access cleaning jobs
High access cleaning jobs are the ideal use for a cherry picker. They allow the user to move up and down as needed, reaching up high and accessing cleaning supplies below. High access cleaning jobs include a variety of cleaning with everything from chimney sweeping, high pressure cleaning and window cleaning. Window and high-pressure cleaning massively benefit from using a cherry picker. They allow the user to get to all the hard to reach places whilst being as safe as possible. When using a cherry picker, the chimney sweeper can get up to the level of a chimney whilst having a secure platform to work from when sweeping. This is much safer than the traditional method of using a ladder or roof access.
3. Building maintenance
Cleaning, building maintenance and painting are great ways to use a cherry picker for hire. Using a cherry picker for hire allows building maintenance to go in the direction of up and then out. Building maintenance can be anything from replacing lightbulbs to installing gas flues and remodelling.
4. Building painting and sign writing
When large scale buildings need to be painted or repainted, it’s a significant job. A cherry picker allows the users to go in the direction of up and across. Cherry pickers also have a large enough platform that more than one person can fit safely, giving you an instant increase in productivity. Similar to painting, sign writing is an excellent use of hiring a cherry picker whenever needed. Signwriters will often have to complete signage on a vast scale. The cherry picker gives them enough space to have their supplies on hand compared to a ladder.
5. Outdoor landscapers
Tree trimming and outdoor landscaping are another excellent use for a cherry picker. In prestigious gardens, trees or hedging often grow to heights of four metres. Hiring a cherry picker allows the user to complete the task safely without causing any damage to the hedging or trees.
6. Fire services and rescue work
Everyone’s heard of a fireman coming to rescue a cat from a tree, but you might not have heard that a fireman and rescue workers use cherry pickers to help in emergency and rescue situations. They can get up high and rescue people in highly elevated scenarios. Firefighters and rescue workers often use cherry pickers to help people trapped in tall buildings, those on upper floors in apartments, and even people in malfunctioned roller coasters. Knowing how to use a cherry picker is common knowledge for those in police departments and fire and rescue units.
7. Filming large scale events
Cherry pickers genuinely are a versatile piece of machinery. Whilst they have been designed solely for practicality, they’re also used to both film large scale events and assist in theatres. Cherry pickers can be used to suspend large lights above stages in theatres. In addition to being used in the film industry, they are also commonly used to film significant scale events. Allowing viewers to have a birds-eye view.
8. Servicing of telephones and electricity poles/utility work
Due to the height of telephone poles and most electrical towers, reaching them with a ladder isn’t an option nor a safe one. Using a cherry picker, utility workers can reach the height level safely.
9. Sorting and picking warehouse products
As cherry pickers can be used indoors and outdoors, they are often used indoors for large scale warehouses. Warehouses will have pickers and packers who usually need to pick and order from massive heights. A cherry picker allows them to do this safely, all whilst attached to the platform. Cherry pickers are great indoors as they won’t damage any flooring, ideal for warehouses that maintain a clean environment.
10. Pest control/bird netting
Whilst pest control is usually around ground level, rats, pigeons, and other birds tend to perch and burrow up high on roofs. Additionally, putting up bird spikes as a preventative measure highly benefits from using a cherry picker. Netting an area to protect it from birds and other crawling pests can often be a considerable task that requires multiple efforts. A cherry picker allows the user to be in a stable environment whilst also having the ability to move up and down, gathering more supplies when needed.
With all of the great uses for forklifts, it can often be an overwhelming decision on which forklift you need and the most effective way to use the equipment. Here at Auslift, we’re more than happy to answer any questions you may have, or if you’re seriously looking into hiring or buying a forklift, we do site visits to ensure you get the right tool for the right job.
Ausslift Equipment is your leading choice for cherry picker hire in Melbourne. Contact us today to book your cherry pickers.Â